Eli Crane voiced strong opinions on issues ranging from U.S.-Mexico border management under Trump versus Biden's administration to challenges faced by ranchers due to environmental regulations on March 4th tweets
Governor Henry McMaster, alongside the South Carolina Department of Commerce and South Carolina Ports, has reported that the state's export sales reached $38 billion in 2024.
Arizona's Congressman Eli Crane recently posted tweets covering topics such as support for small businesses and criticism of border policies under President Joe Biden's administration.
Shantell McDowell, accompanied by family, friends, and Chamber Ambassadors, celebrated the opening of Care Xpert Home Care by cutting a ribbon to mark their membership with the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce.
Shane Brunson, along with staff, friends, and Chamber Ambassadors, participated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the official joining of Lotus Recovery Solutions with the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce.
The Florence County Disabilities Foundation is preparing for its annual BBQ benefit, a significant event that aids over 1,400 individuals in the region.
The Greater Florence Chamber recently hosted its Community Legislative Breakfast at the Florence Center, featuring Mayor Lethonia Barnes as the guest speaker.
SPC Credit Union has announced a partnership with Greenlight Financial Technology, Inc. to offer families access to financial education tools aimed at building healthy financial habits for the next generation.
AlarmAlert, a company specializing in fire, burglary, and camera systems, has marked its 45th year of service in the Pee Dee region with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
In 2024, four H-1B petitions were filed by employers classified under the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry located within the Pinal Today publication area, as per data provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services via the H-1B Employer Data Hub.