Jim Garrett Board Vice President | Coolidge Chamber of Commerce
Jim Garrett Board Vice President | Coolidge Chamber of Commerce
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), in collaboration with the Maricopa Association of Governments, Peoria, and Surprise, is inviting public feedback on a proposed new interchange for Loop 303. This potential development is planned between US 60 and El Mirage Road.
The purpose of the interchange is to manage increasing traffic demand and alleviate congestion north of Loop 303 and east of US 60 (Grand Avenue). The area currently experiences significant traffic volumes, particularly at the intersections of Loop 303/US 60 and US 60/163rd Avenue.
ADOT has outlined four alternatives for the location and design concept of this new traffic interchange. These options are available for review at azdot.gov/Loop303TIAlternatives.
Public comments on these alternatives are being collected through a survey accessible at azdot.gov/Loop303TIAlternativesSurvey. Feedback will be accepted until Monday, March 24.