"Los trabajadores en #ElSalvador merecen el derecho a organizarse sin miedo a represalias o ser arrestados. Condeno los intentos del gobierno salvadoreo de criminalizar a los sindicatos y los movimientos sociales por marchar en defensa de los derechos laborales y la democracia."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Raul Grijalva:
"Workers, in the US, #ElSalvador and around the world, deserve the right to organize and make their voices heard without fear of retaliation or arrest. I condemn the Salvadoran governments attempts to criminalize unions for marching in defense of labor rights and democracy."Read on Twitter
".@USPS Postmaster Dejoy is a lingering Trump-era appointee working to undermine the all-of-government approach to climate. It's no surprise that his NEPA review was shady and sub-standard. We should continue to hold our government accountable for its decisions on climate change. twitter.com/thehill/status" on April 28Read on Twitter
"There has never been a better time to #CancelStudentDebt. By canceling student debt, we can stimulate our economy, lift up disproportionately impacted communities, and allow millions of families to make better decisions about building wealth and securing their futures. twitter.com/ZekeJMiller/st" on April 28Read on Twitter